Lewis Green honored me along with some amazing names the other day. Namely: Cam Beck of ChaosScenario, Gavin Heaton of Servant of Chaos, Mario Vellandi at Melodies in Marketing and Becky Carroll of Customers Rock. I was amazed to be included in such a list.
Lewis in turn asked each of us to pick the 5 bloggers that make us think.
It's not a fair task. And likely I am leaving out so very many even after cheating and going over the 5 number. And I've tried to leave off those who've already been nominated.
Ardi XIV: I'm a new reader to Pieter Ardinois' blog. His writing verges on a stream of conciousness at times and it forever expels me up back into the world, gasping a cold breath and suddenly awake.
Get Shouty: This post made my brain hurt for a week. Katie's love of chaos, numbers and philosophy are a deadly and amazing combination. But be careful. Her ideas are radioactive. There's no going back.
Justin Kirby: I subscribe to Justin in a number of locations. He's running rampant through my bloglines. But the link on the left is to my favorite Kirby location. It's his podcasts on engagement marketing. Have you listened to the Greg Calle or Alan Moore interviews? Do. Brilliant.
Matt Moore: EngineersWithoutFears is, frankly, an even better blog name than craphammer. Love it. But I must warn you. Matt has the ability to make me think so much my brain actually implodes. It's very messy and means I can only read his blog once a week with a surgical team standing by...
Johnnie Moore: I'm a Johnny Moore stalker. But lucky for him I'm on a different continent. He is one of the first blogs I began reading consistently. I love how he mixes industry news with philosophical discussions and quandaries. And his RSS feed means I don't have to stand in the rain with binoculars. ;)
Charles Frith: Punk Planning. I must admit that the name had me picturing an angry-at-the-world drug-hazed psychotic rambling of a site. And the experience isn't that far off. Only Charles is so amazingly well read and articulate. He's going to take over the world one day. Are you ready?
Richard Huntington: Mr. Adliterate. Anyone reading my blog for any period will likely have seen me launch more than one post off of a topic I was following on adliterate. It helps that he's at the top of my bloglines alphabetically. But it's also that I consider him close to a role model for my own foray into this crazy world of communications.
Paul Paetz: The Anti-Marketer, himself. Paul actually taught me what market disruption is. And his blog remains an amazingly insightful view into disruption at play in the market around us.
Okay. Anyone I forgot can now lambaste me in public, cry, remove me from their bloglines or even send me airline tickets to distant locales so they can beat me up in person. I highly recommend that last option. Far more satisfying for all parties!
The rest of you named above can now have award 5 (or more) bloggers each. Or... Or... I'll send YOU a one way ticket to Canada! Don't make me do it!
(I'm hoping to be back in the saddle again soon. After 3 years, we are working to reposition our agency and launch a new presence online. More updates to come on this, unless someone takes pity on me and shoots me first. please.)
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