How many Social Media plans, strategies or programs avoid or overlook what really matters?
Valeria knocks this one out of the park. Who knew she was a cartoon copywriter??!!
Figuring out the role of socially enabled platforms is just the first step. And yet so easily overlooked by so many.
And then we need to answer the who, what, how and where. Who will be creating content in these spaces? What tools do they need to do so? What content is of value? What policies need to be in place? What conversations and content works best in what spaces?
Let alone understanding who is already talking out there... Before I jumped on for not starting with "listening". ;)
P.S. Kudos to Eloqua. This is a brilliant way to engage a wider audience, create content and drive buzz about their company.
P.S P.S. Updated to actually use Valeria's actual name this time. OY! ;)
Thanks for the kind words. Valeria made this project a breeze. She said she'd toyed with the idea for that cartoon for a while, so it was fortuitous that I went to her first. Anyway, glad I discovered your blog, great stuff!
Your fan,
Joe Chernov
Posted by: jchernov | August 06, 2010 at 12:52 PM
Thanks for sharing Sean. Also for the chat the other day. When we are running to sign up for all these latest and greatest platforms, we will come back to this cartoon to put us back on track. I think I will print it up and post on my desk! :)
I'm your FAN too!
Posted by: Sylvie Oliveira | August 06, 2010 at 02:04 PM
Thanks for swinging by, Joe! And congrats on the campaign idea around the cartoons. Brilliant.
Posted by: Sean Howard | August 09, 2010 at 06:29 AM
LOL. Or when Bernard asks for a Blog, you can say "sure! and what are you going to say?" ;)
Posted by: Sean Howard | August 09, 2010 at 06:30 AM