Prediction: The URL bar will go away (as we know it.)
We do not need two bars on our browsers.
More users are using the search bar for everything. Because it always works. Type in a search term and bingo, you get the results you were looking for. Type in a URL and bingo, you click on the first link that comes back.
The URL bar is dying.
The day the Google search bar automatically takes you to a URL is the day the URL bar will become extinct.

Interesting post...
I had a similar revelation a few months ago - the URL bar (in firefox at least) acts just fine as a google search.. And thats how i've been using it.
As long as you put more than one word in the URL bar, it searches google. Give it a whirl!
Posted by: | September 04, 2009 at 01:01 PM
You should check out Chrome dude. They basically did away with search bar and made url work for both. Can't wait 'til it's ready for prime time on the mac.
Posted by: paulmcenany | September 04, 2009 at 08:39 PM
Bang on! I ruminated earlier this year on the demise of the URL much along the lines of the first commentor above when Firefox 3 was released, the separate bar seems like the next logical step. (
I'm going to take Paul's suggestion and check out Chrome as well which I haven't done yet.
Umm...Caeser is dead, long live Ceaser?
Posted by: | September 09, 2009 at 07:06 AM
Damn it David, you are always beating me to the punch!!!
When we going out drinking???!!
Posted by: Sean Howard | September 17, 2009 at 04:49 PM
The URL is dead? Long live the URI!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Joly | September 18, 2009 at 02:15 AM
This is a good blog, it is encouraging to see people giving value
through great post.Thanks
Posted by: Advertising Company | October 14, 2010 at 06:57 AM